
有许多简单的节水方法,它们都是从你开始的. When you save water, you save money on your utility bills. Here are just a few ways...


  • When washing dishes by h和, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water 和 the other with rinse water.
  • 一些冰箱、空调和制冰机是用浪费的水流来冷却的. 考虑将设备升级为风冷设备,以节省大量欧洲杯投注.
  • Never run the dishwasher without a full load. This practice will save water, energy, detergent, 和 money.
  • Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste 而不是 和 save gallons every time.
  • 对于冷饮,在冰箱里放一壶水,而不是打开水龙头. This way, every drop goes down you 和 not the drain.
  • 清洗蔬菜时用一小盆冷水,而不是让水从蔬菜上流过. 然后, collect the water you use for rinsing fruits 和 vegetables, 和 reuse it to water house plants.
  • 在锅里只使用少量的水,并在锅上盖上盖子来烹饪大多数食物. Not only does this method save water, 但是食物更有营养,因为维生素和矿物质不会随着多余的烹饪水一起倒进下水道.
  • 每天指定一杯水作为你的欧洲杯投注赔率,或者补充一瓶水. This will cut down on the number of glasses to wash.
  • Don't use running water to thaw food. Defrost food in the refrigerator for water efficiency 和 food safety.
  • If your dishwasher is new, cut back on rinsing. Newer models clean more thoroughly than older ones.
  • 如果你从冰箱里倒杯子时不小心掉了冰块,或者你从外卖餐厅的杯子里剩下冰块, don't throw it in the trash, 把它倒在植物上, 而不是.

时刻把节约欧洲杯投注记在心里,想想其他节约厨房欧洲杯投注的方法. 随着时间的推移,煮太多的咖啡或让冰块在水槽里融化都会累积起来. By making these small changes in the kitchen, you can count on bigger savings on your yearly water bill.


  • 把你的淋浴时间缩短一两分钟,你每个月就能节省150加仑的水.
  • 刷牙时把水关掉,一个月就能省下25加仑水.
  • Take a shower 而不是 of taking a bath. Showers with low-flow shower heads use less water than taking a bath.
  • 洗头时把水关掉,每月可节省150加仑的水.
  • 如果没有淋浴,将浴缸里的水减少一到两英寸.
  • 当改造浴室时,安装一个新的小容量抽水马桶,只使用1.每次冲洗6加仑.
  • Test toilets for leaks. 在水箱里的水中加入几滴食用色素或一片染料片, but do not flush the toilet. 在几分钟内观察碗里是否出现了颜色. If it does, the toilet has a silent leak that needs to be repaired.
  • Use a toilet tank displacement device such as a toilet dam or bag. Another alternative is filling a plastic bottle with stones or water, 翻身, 和 placed in the toilet tank. 这些装置将减少水箱内的水量,但仍将提供足够的冲洗欧洲杯投注. 新的小容量抽水马桶不建议安装位移装置.
  • 不要使用厕所来处理清洁纸巾、烟头或其他垃圾. 这浪费了大量的水,也给污水处理厂或化粪池带来了不必要的负担.
  • Do not use hot water when cold will do. 用肥皂和冷水洗手可以节约水和能源. Hot water should be added only when h和s are especially dirty.
  • Do not let the water run when washing h和s. 在洗涤和擦洗时应关闭水,然后再打开水冲洗. A cutoff valve may be installed on the faucet.
  • 剃须时,把盥洗池装满热水,而不是让水不停地流.
  • Place water-saving aerators on all of your faucets.


  • Use your clothes washer 和 dishwasher only when they are full. This will save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
  • 用冷水洗深色衣服既节约水又节约能源,还能保持衣服的颜色.
  • When doing laundry, match the water level to the size of the load.

Plumbing 和 Appliances

  • 在考虑购买任何新电器时,检查各种型号和品牌的欧洲杯投注要求. Some use less water than others.
  • Check all waterline connections 和 faucets for leaks. A slow drip can waste as much as 170 gallons of water EACH DAY, or 5,000 gallons per month, 和 will add to the water bill.
  • Learn to repair faucets so that drips can be corrected promptly. 这很容易做到,花费很少,并且可以节省大量的管道和水费.
  • 检查隐藏的漏水,比如水表和房子之间的漏水. 检查时,请关闭所有室内外水龙头和欧洲杯投注器具. The water meter should be read at 10 to 20 minute intervals. 如果它继续运行或转动,则可能存在泄漏,需要定位.
  • 隔离所有热水管道,以减少等待水“变热”时的延迟(和浪费的水)."
  • Be sure the water heater thermostat is not set too high. 极热的设置会浪费水和能源,因为水在使用之前通常必须用冷水冷却.
  • Use a moisture meter to determine when house plants need water. More plants die from over-watering than from being on the dry side.
  • 当低温到来时,对室外的龙头和水龙头进行防寒处理,以防止管道冻结和破裂.


  • Water only when needed. 看看草,摸摸土壤,或者用土壤湿度计来决定何时浇水.
  • 不要过度浇水. Soil can hold only so much moisture, 和 the rest simply runs off. 计时器会有帮助,厨房计时器或闹钟都可以. Apply only enough water to fill the plant’s root zone. Excess water beyond that is wasted. 在夏季,每周浇一次1.5英寸的水将使大多数草保持健康.
  • Water lawns early in the morning during the hotter summer months. 否则, 草坪上的大部分水在洒水器和草坪之间就会蒸发掉.
  • To avoid excessive evaporation, use a sprinkler that produces large drops of water, rather than a fine mist. 以低角度喷射液滴的喷头也有助于控制蒸发. 必要时调整喷头,以避免浪费和径流,并确保适当的覆盖范围.
  • 设置自动洒水系统,以提供彻底但不频繁的浇水. Pressure-regulating devices should be set to design specifications. Rain shut-off devices can prevent watering in the rain.
  • Use drip irrigation systems for bedded plants, 树, 或灌木, or turn soaker hoses upside-down so the holes are on the bottom. This will help avoid evaporation.
  • Water slowly for better absorption, 和 never water on a windy day.
  • Forget about watering the streets or walks or driveways. They will never grow a thing.
  • 在种植草或花坛之前,用覆盖物或堆肥调理土壤,这样水就会被吸收而不是流失.
  • 每年至少给草坪施肥两次,以刺激根系,但不要过度施肥. 根系良好的草能更好地利用更少的水,也更耐旱.
  • Do not scalp lawns when mowing during hot weather. Taller grass holds moisture better. 草应该经常修剪,所以只有1/2到3/4英寸被修剪掉. A better looking lawn will result.
  • 在草坪上需要经常浇水的小区域(人行道或车道附近或特别热的地方)使用喷壶或用软管浇水, 阳光明媚的地方.)
  • Use water-wise plants. Learn what types of grass, 灌木, 和 plants do best in the area 和 in which parts of the lawn, 和 then plant accordingly. Choose plants that have low water requirements, 是耐旱, 和 are adapted to the area of the state where they are to be planted.
  • Consider decorating some areas of the lawn with wood chips, 岩石, 砾石, or other materials now available that require no water at all.
  • Do not "sweep" walks 和 driveways with the hose. Use a broom or rake 而不是.
  • 洗车时,用一桶肥皂水,只在冲洗时打开软管.
  • We're more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don't forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers 和 hoses for leaks.